Friday, November 18, 2011

Engagment Pix

We took engagement pictures in October.  While it was fun, it had its awkward moments.  The photographer, Laurie Peacock, is very artistic and big on capturing pictures of people being "natural".  She is a wonderful photographer, we must say.  However, the problem for us was when we tried to be "natural" during the shoot, we would end up laughing.  This was the first time we ever took professional pictures that were not in front of a screen (remember those pictures you were forced to do with foam numbers for the year you graduated in high school?)  We were not used to having a person with a camera right in front of you and not stare at it and smile.  So we ended up with many shots with goofy faces.  Aside from that, the pictures are amazing- the lighting was fabulous, we were in sharp focus, and the locations we went to were gorgeous.

We did our engagement pictures at 3 locations- on the Chicago River, in a park by River North, and at Fullerton Beach.

We had about 14 REALLY good pictures from the shoot and another 14 that we were happy with.  The rest of them were just OK or we didn't particularly like.  Not that these rest of the pictures were bad, but because we had awkward faces or mismatched expressions in them. 

We still find it somewhat weird to look at some of our engagement pictures. We are so used to looking at ourselves in pictures where we have a big cheesy grin it's just weird to see yourself in a non-smiley or mid sentence speaking pose.  We look at these pictures and are like "Do I really look like that when I'm not smiling?"

We are posting our favorites on this blog, because we paid a pretty penny for them so you can be sure we are gonna use them all we can (or at least until the wedding pictures come in!)

Laurie's website-

Once at the site, go to the engagement tab and scroll down to find George and Sherry (NOTE: the ones posted on her blog are not our favorites.  So pay attention to the ones we post on our blog as we like these much better).

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